Note: This is not an exact measurement or an exact formula and should be treated as a rough approximation. 注意:这不是十分准确的测量或一个准确的公式,这只是个近似值而已。
The Analysis and Improvement of Asymmetry Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Supersymmetric WKB Approximation and Morse Potential Exact Energy Spectra in SWKB Approximation Method 不对称级联型多电平变频器的分析及改进超对称WKB方法对Morse势能级的精确求解
Exact Proof of the Approximation Condition for the Sommerfeld Integral in Layered Lossy Medium 分层媒质中索末菲积分近似条件的严格证明
The correct approximation condition for the sommerfeld integral involved in a three_layer lossy medium is presented. The exact proof of the approximation condition is also worked out. 提出了三层分层有耗媒质中电磁场理论经常遇到的索末菲(Sommerfeld)积分近似条件的正确形式,并给出了严格证明。
TES ( Transform-Expand-Sample) is a nonparametric technique that enable a user to model stationary stochastic processes with an exact match of the marginal probability distribution and a good approximation of the autocorrelation function. TES(Transform-Expand-Sample)是一种建模静态随机过程的非参数化技术,能准确匹配边缘概率分布并很好地近似自相关函数。
Exact Controllability and Its Approximation of Wave Equation with Variable Coefficient 变系数波方程的精确控制及其近似
With the stabilization in [ 1,2], we study the exact controllability and its approximation of wave equation with variable coefficient, and give the error estimation between the control and its approximation. 利用文献[1,2]中的镇定性结果,研究变系数波方程的精确可控性,并给出控制及其近似控制的误差估计。
Application of an exact decimation transformation with mean-field approximation method to the Potts model 通过平均场处理的严格重正化群变换方法对Potts模型的应用
By incorporating the prior knowledge effectively, more exact approximation results than traditional approach can be achieved, which is verified by the simulation experiments; 过程的先验知识,能够得到比传统方法更高测量精度的分析结果;
To carry out rough mapping on the initial diagnostic rule through neural network and to use the sort approximation ability of neural network, an exact mapping from space of fault state to space of diagnosis is established by which convergence rate and approximation accuracy are greatly improved. 对初步的诊断规则通过神经网络进行粗映射,利用神经网络的分类逼近能力,建立故障状态空间到诊断空间的精确映射。
The formulas of the radiative corrections to the deep inelastic polarized c-p scattering are derived. The formulas of the exact elastic tail and the inelastic peaking approximation are included. 本文推导了极化电子被极化质子的深度非弹性散射的辐射修正公式,其中包括了极化e-p散射的弹性尾巴的精确公式和非弹性散射辐射修正的峰值近似公式。
The method is simple in mathematics, flexible in calculation, easy in operation, and exact in approximation effect when multiquadric is used to fit the geological surface. 该方法具有数学算法简单、计算灵活、易于实现及结果比较准确等诸多优点,适合用于散乱数据的插值。
The exact formulae of the acoustical impedance of a narrow slit and its low-frequency approximation are available. 窄缝的声阻抗严格公式以及低频近似公式都存在。
Using the method of homotopy perturbation, the approximation of the solution for the mode is obtained. And compared to the special case for the exact solution of the model, the first approximation solution from the method is agreement well with the exact solution. 利用同伦摄动方法,得到了该模型解的近似展开式,通过与特殊情况下的精确解比较,得到的一级近似解具有较高的精度。
Exact estimations on approximation degrees of interpolation splines of type Q Q型插值样条逼近度的精确估计
Exact Elimination and Adiabatic Approximation of Fast Relaxation Variables for Deterministic Systems 确定论系统快弛豫变量的精确消去和绝热近似
Taking the first three teams of the expression of Theis exact solution as the approximation of the two wall functions describing the drawdown, the binary linear regression expression is developed. 将降深表达式中的两个井函数利用其展开式的前三项作为其近似式,建立一个二元线性回归方程。
A comparison between glauber's exact expantion formula and the rigid projectile approximation Glauber理论的精确展开和硬球近似的比较
For the impedance sphere, a comparison between the physical acoustic method and the exact solution shows that the physical acoustic method is still a good approximation for the higher ka values. 对于阻抗表面球,物理声学方法和严格解的比较表明,物理声学方法仍然是高Ka值时的一种很好的近似方法。
The practicability of the bilinear approximation method for a class of structure with different tension and compression behavior in the engineering field is verified by the comparison between exact solutions and approximation ones. 通过近似计算结果与精确解之间的比较,验证了双线性近似方法对于工程中大量存在的一类具有不同拉压特性的结构进行振动分析的实用性。
It is difficult to obtain the rigidity matrix by exact integration, and as approximations close to the symmetrical axis, the accuracy of this approximation deteriorates very rapidly. 由于积分困难,常用近似积分求得刚度矩阵,这种近似积分对于靠近旋转对称轴的元素,误差很大,所以,长期以来,被认为不满意的办法。
First, the exact stability region in terms of key tuning parame-ters is derived without approximation. 首先,在不采用任何近似的情况下,按照所有的关键调节参数导出了精确稳定区域。
First of all, we compare the exact solution with the adiabatic approximation solution in the vector model, and find the tunneling time in these two cases is utterly different. 我们首先对比了矢量模型下的精确解和绝热近似解,发现矢量模型下基态原子的隧穿时间与绝热近似下的结果有很多迥然相异的行为。
By comparing the exact solution set and the reduced basis approximation in the pre-sampling set, it regards the point with maximum error as the next sample point, and the corresponding vector is extracted to enlarge the reduced basis space. 把预采样样本的原解集与减基近似的结果相比较,找出减基误差最大的样本点,并把该样本点加入样本空间,如此反复直到收敛。
Since exact exchange-correlation functional is unknown, a local density approximation ( LDA) is often adopted in DFT. 由于准确的交换关联泛函无法得到,DFT通常采用局域密度近似(LDA)方法来将交换关联势描述成以电子密度为自变量的形式。
The exact solution is given in the form of series and an approximate solution is obtained by truncating the series. The error of the exact solution and an approximation is monotonically decreasing and tends to zero. 获得了级数形式的精确解表达式,并通过对级数的截断得到了近似解,证明了近似解与精确解之间的误差是单调递减的,并且趋于零。
Based on shishkin-type mesh, a singularly perturbed nonlinear neutral differential difference equation with negative shift initial boundary value problem is studied. B-spline collocation method and finite difference method is applied on the problem. Estimation of the error between exact solution and approximation solution is given. 讨论了一类非线性中立型奇异摄动微分差分方程初边值问题,并基于Shishkin网格,运用B-样条配置法和有限差分法对问题进行分析和计算并给出了近似解的误差估计。
This condition make it easier to judge the stability of the exact discrete-time model with the closed-loop Euler approximation, which just requires the closed-loop vector filed of the system to meet the Lipschitz condition. 这一条件使依据闭环Euler近似模型判定闭环精确离散时间模型稳定变得简单。而为保证这一条件成立仅需系统闭环向量场满足Lipschitz条件。
TNF can get higher accuracy than EKF and other modified KFs, because it can use numerical methods to get exact numerical results of a state vector, instead of doing a linear approximation as EKF does, it can avoid the system error caused by the linear approximations. TNF可以得到比EKF算法更好的精度,原因在于TNF利用数值积分方法直接计算某些量的精确数值结果,而不是采用线性近似,这就避免了由于线性近似引起的系统偏差。